Friday, March 19, 2010

Location struggles

As I said in the previous post, the Japanese Botanical Gardens in Ft Worth is a GREAT place to shoot ... that is if they don't know you are there for a photo shoot. This shoot for my friends Chad and Kristen proves that point.

Scott and I met up with Chad and Kristen at the gardens for a re-shoot of their engagement photos. They've had it shot before but the work was too artsy for their taste. I saw the photos they had done, and was really impressed with the quality and composition. The photographer did a great job, but he failed to captured the relationship between Chad and Kristen, which is the image that they wanted to be captured to begin with. So they asked me if I would want to re-shoot their engagement, and so Scott and I agreed to tag team the shoot and try out some lighting techniques with our off camera flashes.

The lady behind the counter took one look at our equipment and IMMEDIATELY started giving us grief about trying to sneak in to the place to do a commercial shoot, even though we expressed that we are there not to make money, but to do our friends a favor. After agreeing to not use light stands and a reflector (apparently they consider that lighting equipment... come 'on its a glorified sun visor!), she let us in. BUT she had a guard follow us around the entire time watching out every move waiting for us to pull out the reflector or a light stand so they can charge us their "commercial use" fees. Anyway, Chad had it out with the proprietor of the place and we were apologized to. Great place to shoot, but I'll probably never go there again to shoot. Too much of a hassle. Oh and don't even get me started on the dude that lady let in with a 5D Mark II and a L lense ... yeah, like he's not selling his stuff on iStock.

As for the photos... These are the ones that I took. Scott was the main shooter since I took this as a learning experience on off camera lighting... oh and his lenses are better than mine (can you say "lens envy"?? haha). There was plenty of natural light but it was definitely nice to have extra lights for fill and hair lighting. We pretty much took turns with the wireless remote and holding the flashes.

Lesson learned: Get a heads up on the location you are going to. Might have to pay a premium to do a shoot. Also look at other options close by. The free part of the gardens is free game for photographers. I'll be sticking to that.

I'll link up to Scott's photos soon as he gets his blog up... (... are you reading this Scott??) lol

I have to admit, having a roommate who knows more about photography than some of my old photography professors is kind of ... well, nice. Beats having to pay for school. =)


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