Friday, March 26, 2010

Hidden gems

I have my camera(s) with me practically all the time. Specially during the weekends when I'm running around visiting places and/or people. Needles to say, I take lots of photos, but I don't necessarily process all of them. I always take photos with the intent to look through them and find a few that works, or I like, and try to do something with them later on.

Starting this blog is now making me go through the THOUSANDS of photos I've taken, and haven't done anything with, and actually processing them. I did that just now and ran across a few so far that I've enjoyed.

Yeah, its mostly Emma, but hey, she's so cute. Can't blame me for posting these...

This one was take when she was still running away from me.

She LOVES making bubbles... I mean, who doesn't like making bubbles?

This was a few months later.... still making bubbles ... told you so. =P

A few close ups of those puffy cheeks!

... and the pouty face...

This is her cat, Phoebe. I honestly tried to get a picture of how pretty Phoebe's eyes are, but there's no telling a cat to sit still and pose for a photo. She kept moving forward to say hello so she got out of focus, but there's just something about this photo I love.

I'll be posting more soon as I find more gems... and it might just be more of Emma =)

I'm just the crazy Asian uncle with a camera. lol


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